> Covalent Moralis Plugin
Moralis Plugin
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Covalent Moralis Plugin
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Moralis Covalent Plugin

This plugin enables interaction with the Covalent API (https://www.covalenthq.com/).

Get started

Grab a free api key here: https://www.covalenthq.com/

Optional parameters

When possible, this plugin supports pagination following the interface below.

interface ApiPagination {
  pageNumber?: number;
  pageSize?: number;

The parameter pageNumber is set to 0 by default. The parameter pageSize is set to 100 by default.

This plugins also supports quoteCurrency. The parameter quoteCurrency is set to USD by default.


Get block

Description: Given chain id and block height return the block.

interface GetBlockDto {
  chainId: number;
  blockHeight: string;
await Moralis.Plugins.covalent.getBlock(GetBlockDto);

Get All Contract Metadata

Description: Given chain id, return a list of all contracts on a blockchain along with their metadata.

interface GetAllContractMetaDto {
  chainId: number;
  pageNumber?: number;
  pageSize?: number;
await Moralis.Plugins.covalent.getAllContractMetadata(GetAllContractMetaDto);

Get Block Heights

Description: Given chain id, start date, end date return all the block height(s) of a particular chain within a date range.

interface GetBlockHeightsDto {
  chainId: number;
  blockHeight: string;
  startDate: string;
  endDate: string;
  pageNumber?: number;
  pageSize?: number;
await Moralis.Plugins.covalent.getBlockHeights(GetBlockHeightsDto);

Get Chains

Description: Returns a list of all chains.

interface GetChainsDto {}
await Moralis.Plugins.covalent.getChains(GetChainsDto);

Get Chain Statuses

Description: Returns a list of all chain statuses.

interface GetChainStatusesDto {}
await Moralis.Plugins.covalent.getChainsStatuses(GetChainStatusesDto);

Get Changes In Token Holders

Description: Given chain id and wallet address, return a paginated list of token holders and their current/historical balances, where the token balance of the holder changes between starting block and ending block.

interface GetChangesInTokenHoldersDto {
  chainId: number;
  address: Address;
  startingBlock: string;
  endingBlock: string;
  pageNumber?: number;
  pageSize?: number;
  quoteCurrency?: string;
await Moralis.Plugins.covalent.getChangesInTokenHolerBetweenBlockHeights(GetChangesinTokenHoldersDto);

Get Erc20 Token Transactions For Address

Description: Given chain id user address and transaction hash return all ERC20 token contract transfers along with their historical prices at the time of their transfer.

interface GetErc20TokenTransactionsForAddressDto {
  chainId: number;
  address: Address;
  tokenAddress: Address;
  quoteCurrency?: string;
  pageNumber?: number;
  pageSize?: number;
await Moralis.Plugins.covalent.getErc20TokenTransfersForAddress(GetErc20TokenTransactionsForAddressDto);

Get Historical Portfolio Value Over Time

Description: Given chain id and wallet address return wallet value for the last 30 days at 24 hour interval timestamps.

interface GetHistoricalPortfolioValueOverTimeDto {
  chainId: number;
  address: Address;
  quoteCurrency?: string;
await Moralis.Plugins.covalent.getHistoricalPortfolioValueOverTime(GetHistoricalPortfolioValueOverTimeDto);

Get Log Events By Contract Address

Description: Given chain id, and contract address, return a paginated list of decoded log events emitted by a particular smart contract.

interface GetLogEventsByContractAddressDto {
  chainId: number;
  contractAddress: Address;
  startingBlock: string;
  endingBlock: string;
  pageNumber?: number;
  pageSize?: number;
await Moralis.Plugins.covalent.getLogEventsByContractAddress(GetLogEventsByContractAddressDto);

Get log events by topic

Description: Given chain id and topic return a paginated list of decoded log events with one or more topic hashes separated by a comma.

interface GetLogEventsByTopicDto {
  chainId: number;
  topic: Topic;
  endBlock: string;
  secondaryTopic?: Topic;
  startBlock?: string;
  address?: Address;
  pageNumber?: number;
  pageSize?: number;
await Moralis.Plugins.covalent.getTokenHoldersByTopic(GetLogEventsByTopicDto);

Get NFT Token IDs for contract

Description: Given chain id and contract address, return a list of all token IDs for the NFT contract on the blockchain.

interface GetNFTTokenIDsForContractDto {
  chainId: number;
  contractAddress: Address;
  pageNumber?: number;
  pageSize?: number;
await Moralis.Plugins.covalent.getNftTokenIdForContract(GetNFTTokenIDsForContractDto);

Get NFT transactions for contract

Description: Given chain id, contract address and token id, return a list of transactions.

interface GetNFTTransactionsForContractDto {
  chainId: number;
  contractAddress: Address;
  tokenId: string;
  pageNumber?: number;
  pageSize?: number;
await Moralis.Plugins.covalent.getNftTransactionsForContract(GetNFTTransactionsForContractDto);

Get NFT external metadata for contract

Description: Given chain id, contract address and token id, fetch and return the external metadata. Both ERC721 as well as ERC1155 standards are supported.

interface GetNFTExternalMetaForContractDto {
  chainId: number;
  contractAddress: Address;
  tokenId: string;
await Moralis.Plugins.covalent.getNftExternalMetadataForContract(GetNFTExternalMetaForContractDto);

Get token balances for address

Description: Given chain id and wallet address return current token balances along with their spot prices.

interface GetTokenBalancesForAddressDto {
  chainId: number;
  address: Address;
  quoteCurrency?: string;
await Moralis.Plugins.covalent.getTokenBalancesForAddress(GetTokenBalancesForAddressDto);

Get token holders as of any block height

Description: Given chain id and wallet address, return a paginated list of token holders. If block height is omitted, the latest block is used.

interface GetBlockTokenHoldersDto {
  chainId: number;
  contractAddress: Address;
  blockHeight: string;
  pageNumber?: number;
  pageSize?: number;
  quoteCurrency?: string;
await Moralis.Plugins.covalent.getBlockTokenHolders(GetBlockTokenHoldersDto);

Get transactions

Description: Given chain id and transaction hash return return the transaction data with their decoded event logs.

interface GetTransactionDto {
  chainId: number;
  transactionHash: TransactionHash;
await Moralis.Plugins.covalent.getTransaction(GetTransactionDto);

Get transactions for address

Description: Given chain id and wallet address return all transactions along with their decoded log events. This endpoint does a deep-crawl of the blockchain to retrieve all kinds of transactions that references the addressincluding indexed topics within the event logs.

interface GetTransactionsForAddressDto {
  chainId: number;
  address: Address;
  quoteCurrency?: string;
  pageNumber?: number;
  pageSize?: number;
await Moralis.Plugins.covalent.getTransactionsForAddress(GetTransactionsForAddressDto);
Data Aggregators
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