Build Blazing
Fast Dapps on Base

We’re bringing our nodes, NFT API, Token API, Wallet API and more to Base, the next-generation Layer-2 solution incubated by Coinbase.

Trusted by Industry Leaders

More Than Just L2

This Is Base

Base is more than just another Ethereum L2; it's the future of onchain scaling:

Secure and

Engineered within the realms of Coinbase, Base delivers an EVM environment that is both secure and astonishingly affordable.

Effortless Integration

As an EVM-equivalent, Base ensures your applications, tools, and infrastructure work flawlessly without any code changes. Activate Base, and every Moralis EVM API will be readily available!

Open-Sourced Power

Developed on the MIT-licensed OP Stack in association with Optimism, Base stands as a testament to the collaborative strength of the blockchain community.


By The Numbers

10x Cheaper

Enjoy Ethereum's features but at 10% of the usual costs.

Massive Community

Key DeFi players and renowned gaming platforms are already building on Base.

Enhanced Interoperability

Seamlessly onramp assets and users from Ethereum L1, Coinbase, and other chains.

Base APIs Ready to Go

From data-driven APIs to real-time monitoring, we're setting benchmarks in dapp development on Base.


Fetch NFTs on Base

Using our fast Base APIs, effortlessly fetch NFTs by wallet or NFTs by collection. This streamlined process improves the user experience and caters to your dapp's needs.

Verify NFT Ownership

Power your token gating sites by promptly validating NFT ownership, ensuring both authenticity and clear ownership on both a token and collection level.

Track NFT Dynamics

Stay at the forefront of NFT trends on Base by monitoring trades across prominent platforms like OpenSea, offering unparalleled insights for your users.

Token API

Token Metadata

Fetch comprehensive ERC20 token metadata, inclusive of token names, symbols, and logos.

Token Pricing

Utilize our Base APIs to fetch current as well as historical token prices from leading AMMs like Uniswap.

Decentralized Exchange Integrations

Seamlessly track token liquidity and active pairs through integrations with top-tier DEXs like Uniswap, Kyberswap, Curve and more.

Wallet API

Wallet Portfolio

Quickly lookup wallet balances on Base, be it native balances, NFTs, or ERC20s, ensuring a seamless user experience.

Wallet History

Present a thorough history of any wallet on Base, spanning NFTs, token transfers, native, and internal transactions.

Wallet Analytics

Dive into wallet stats like age, activity on the Base chain, and domain lookups such as ENS and Unstoppable Domains.

Blockchain API

Decoded Blocks

Speedily fetch detailed information about specific blocks, facilitating the construction and scaling of your dapps on Base.

Real-Time Transactions

Experience immediate access to cross-chain transactions of any wallet on Base, sorted meticulously by block number.

Raw or Decoded

Engage with data in its purest form, straight from the blockchain, or choose the decoded variant using transaction labeling of contract ABIs.

Streams API

Real-Time Event Monitoring

Utilize the Moralis Streams API to actively track and monitor every event on the Base chain, ensuring you're always updated about ERC20 transfers, NFT swaps, and other on-chain activities.

Customizable Notifications

Leverage the powerful Streams API to create and tailor notifications via webhook, enabling you to stay in sync with the latest token, NFT, and DeFi contract events specific to your dapp's requirements.

Deep Data Analysis

Receive, parse and store raw data directly from the Base blockchain enabling you to perform deep analysis and build powerful use cases.

Blockchain API

Decoded Blocks

Speedily fetch detailed information about specific blocks, facilitating the construction and scaling of your dapps on Base.

Real-Time Transactions

Experience immediate access to cross-chain transactions of any wallet on Base, sorted meticulously by block number.

Raw or Decoded

Engage with data in its purest form, straight from the blockchain, or choose the decoded variant using transaction labeling of contract ABIs.

Streams API

Real-Time Event Monitoring

Utilize the Moralis Streams API to actively track and monitor every event on the Base chain, ensuring you're always updated about ERC20 transfers, NFT swaps, and other on-chain activities.

Customizable Notifications

Leverage the powerful Streams API to create and tailor notifications via webhook, enabling you to stay in sync with the latest token, NFT, and DeFi contract events specific to your dapp's requirements.

Deep Data Analysis

Receive, parse and store raw data directly from the Base blockchain enabling you to perform deep analysis and build powerful use cases.

Join some
of the biggest
builders in web3

See why some of the biggest names in web3 trust and 
build with Moralis
Instant Setup

Dive into development instantly without the hassles of preliminary setups.

Fully Indexed Data

Access all Gnosis Chain data, perfectly indexed and ready for your queries.

Accurate Data

Ensure data integrity with precise and consistent information.

Real-Time Data

Stay updated with real-time data feeds for proactive decision-making.


Gear up for growth! Moralis scales with your dapp, ensuring smooth performance.

Speed & Efficiency

Benefit from a streamlined development process that drastically reduces time-to-market.

Expert Support

Have our team of blockchain experts at your beck and call, guiding you every step of the way.

Cross-Chain APIs

Build beyond Base! Moralis’ unified cross-chain APIs allow you to build on all major chains.

Elevate Your Dapp 
on Base

Embark on your Base journey supercharged with Moralis! Sign up for free and redefine the limits of blockchain dapp development!