Identify, engage and retain your customers

Like Google Analytics but for Web3

What does Moralis User Analytics do?

Essential data from your users’ wallets

Number of Transactions

Number of owned NFTs

Wallet Total Net Worth

Wallet Total Net Worth

Wallet Activity Score

Top Tokens owned

Top Dapps that user has interacted with

Buying power & Likelihood of spending

100% FREE!
You only need ONE line of code to install!

See what’s in it for you

Identify high potential users!

Quickly understand the different types of users that you have onboarded to your app

Decrease the cost of acquiring the right users

Adapt your marketing approach by understanding what type of users you are acquiring

Personalise your app experience based on your users Web3 knowledge

Use web3 data to understand your customers and adjust your communication accordingly.

Understand what the whales of your app are doing on chain!

Use web3 data to understand your customers and adjust your communication accordingly.

Access geographical data

Know where in the world your web3 users are and how much crypto they own.
Coming soon

Get access to User Analytics

Coming soon
Get access to User Analytics
You will soon be able to test this in your Dashboard, until then, sign up for the waitlist. Stay tuned.