Particle Network

Particle Network specializes in providing cutting-edge Web3 development services, catering to a wide range of needs including robust authentication mechanisms and innovative NFT solutions.


Web3 Developer Tools, Web3 SDKs, Software Wallets, Development Frameworks

Supported Chains

Arbitrum, Avalanche, BNB Chain, Celo, Cronos, Ethereum, EVM, Fantom, Gnosis Chain, Harmony, Klaytn, Moonbeam, Multichain, NEAR, Oasis, Optimism, Polygon, Polygon zkEVM, Solana, Tron, zkSync

What is

Particle Network


Particle Network is a groundbreaking project that aims to revolutionize the blockchain space by providing seamless onboarding, wallet integration, and NFT market creation for developers and users. With the platform’s cutting-edge features, such as authentication through social accounts powered by MPC-TSS and white-label wallet solutions compatible with Account Abstraction (ERC-4337), users can enjoy a hassle-free experience. Additionally, Particle Network offers a one-stop solution for NFT marketplace creation and management, making it easier than ever before to participate in the booming NFT ecosystem.

By utilizing Particle Network’s powerful middleware, developers and users gain access to a comprehensive suite of tools that simplify the development process and enable the creation of user-friendly blockchain applications. Whether it’s on Web, iOS, Android, Unity, Unreal Engine, Flutter, React Native, Cocos Creator, or other platforms, Particle Network empowers users to build innovative blockchain applications with ease.

Build your own NFT project with our NFT API

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