Compound is a groundbreaking lending protocol that empowers users to engage in borrowing and lending activities with a wide range of tokens, including DAI, ETH, WBTC, and more.
Supported Chains
Compound is a pioneering decentralized lending protocol that empowers users to engage in borrowing, lending, and interest-earning activities using the same tokens they have lent. By leveraging their governance token (COMP), Compound further enables the tokenization of assets locked within the system.
In a recent development, Compound III was unveiled in August 2022. This latest iteration of the platform introduces a significant enhancement by ensuring that user collateral remains intact and is not distributed upon deposit.
Euler FinanceDecentralized Lending Dapps |
The Euler protocol is an Ethereum-based lending protocol that operates without custodial control and allows for permissionless participation.
Jet ProtocolDecentralized Lending Dapps |
Jet Protocol revolutionizes borrowing and lending on the Solana chain, enabling unparalleled efficiency.
HubbleDecentralized Lending Dapps |
Hubble, a lending protocol built on the Solana blockchain, empowers users to leverage their assets and obtain stablecoin loans.
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